Monday, April 23, 2012

End Game, New Game

This is the last post I'll have on Winter Semester of 2012 and the last one for this school year.

Overall, I felt it went pretty well.  There are things I wish I could have done better, but I did learn a lot about people and about myself.
Believe it or not, these are albino elephants.

A few things I learned about myself:
  1. I have the tendency to be overcritical about myself
  2. The self-pity bit does get on me every now and then
  3. I finally understood what David meant (at least a better understanding) when he said that I'd done much for him; through experiences this school year
  4. I enjoy spending time with people more than the actual activity
  5. I spend money where I shouldn't
  6. Sometimes, little things I do annoy people
A few things I learned about other people:
  1. Sometimes, people may not give the benefit of the doubt and assume the worst
  2. The more you talk to someone, the more interesting the person becomes
  3. There will be at least one lazy son of a Bulbasaur who just won't do anything in a group project
  4. If you have pre-professionals in your lab group, that's good news
A few notable experiences also happened this year:
  1. Getting turned down on a first date at BYU for the first time
  2. Decided that I wanted to study medicine as a goal
  3. Started a regular work out routine
The experience I've had at the Riviera so far has been most refreshing.  It may not be the most social ward, but I feel it is probably the most spiritual, by practice, and the most kind comparing to the other ones I've been a part of in the past.  I'm not saying that other wards were crummy, but each ward had its ups and downs and even meh's.

Life is not perfect, but I have it pretty good.  There are some struggles I have to overcome in the next few months, but I know I'll be able to get over it.  The worst thing that can happen is me spending more time in Provo.  Other than that, I do not have any major concern in regards to myself.  For those around me?  That may be another story, but what can you do, but pray and hope for the best?

The most important thing I came to realize this school year has been that the people and the relationships we built in this life are one of the few things we can take with us into the next life.  In essence, people mean more to me than material goods.  Sure, goods can be nice, but they won't mean much in the long run.

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