Monday, May 13, 2013

Ever Tired

You would think not taking any classes during summer would grant me more free time. The reality is, no. The only plus side to this is I have a somewhat flexible schedule that doesn't impose deadlines on me.

I used to keep a list of things to write about in my blog this past school year; then, laziness got to me as soon as stress from school eased off. Since most of my time has been diverted to work and studying for the MCAT, I'm planning on holding off the restaurant runs until near the end of May when I return to Utah.

Luckily, I've been working on other projects with my roommates. In addition to household projects around the Pinecone, I happen to be involved on T.K.'s project to raise funds for his summer study abroad. This endeavor is also sponsored by NixArt Films. I hope this works out because it would be fun to see T.K. off to England and boosting all of our resumes.

Other than that, life has been a massive Minecraft session recently. I can't believe I got myself into the game...

Last, but not least, I'm glad I have the roommates I do now. Here's a little sneak peak on what we are trying to do. Be on the lookout for Bridge to Cambridge and NixArt Films!

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