Sunday, December 30, 2012

The Year in Summary

And Godzilla...
With the year coming to and end, I thought I should put in one more post before 2013.  I'm sure you've noticed that I didn't write a post last week.  That's because there wasn't much to write about unless you wanted to read about my video game ventures and tons of work.  Anyways, this post will sum up stuff I've realized about myself this year and the things I've thought about throughout.  Whether or not you may or may not agree, that's story for another day.

The list of random things I've learned/thought of in 2012 is as follows:

  1. A man chooses.  A slave obeys.
  2. Having 5 roommates will cause you to stop interacting with most of the ward in general.
  3. Some places are not worth paying $300+/month for rent.
  4. Men and women can't be just close friends: while not all men's first motive was "I'm gonna score this chick some day", in the words of the Batman.."You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain."  Eventually, you'll fall in love with her.  Chances are, it's either a little too late or it was never meant to be in the first place and the feelings are left without reciprocation.
  5. Bioshock is about the dangers of political extremism and morality based upon your choices.  Bioshock 2 is a huge custody battle under the ugly one.
  6. Left 4 Dead series taught me everything about surviving the zombie apocalypse.
  7. Functioning under stress is nearly nonexistent: at least for me.  I had huge shifts in my moods this semester due to all the schoolwork, work, etc., that needed to be done in relative short time.  This was enhanced by the fact that I had an average of 5 hours of sleep or less for the most part of the semester.
  8. Trusting that everything is in the Lord's time.
  9. Heavenly Father has plan for everyone.  First to hit various checkpoints in the journey of life doesn't equal to smooth sailing for the rest of the life.
  10. Insecurities happen when we compare ourselves to others.  But in all honesty, I'm at an age range where nothing is certain and anything is possible.  The fact that things can change drastically for better or worse is enough to make people feel a notch or two shorter.
  11. I enjoy conversations.  I don't know about other people, but it's nice to get to know them and share bits and pieces about me.
  12. I don't fit any stereotypes, caste, groups.  Vast interests can be the blame for that.  Due to the lack of time this past semester, I appeared as a relatively boring person.  Sometimes I wonder if this trait has caused some undesirable outcomes in some other aspects of life.
  13. "I found it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love." - Gandolf, The Hobbit
As you can see, the spiritual aspects of this post seems to be lacking, but I think it's totally unnecessary to always include spiritual experiences in my blogs.  I guess really personal things will stay personal.

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