Thursday, May 17, 2012

Mystic Eyes

I think I saw some today.  People's eyes can be enchanting at times.  This is especially true when they sparkle.

Lab was easy today.  It was good to see Jordan still up and about despite of the neck brace.  I know people get competitive in sports, but overdoing it can't be good for your health, especially when you break your C6 during ultimate frisbee.

There was only one cord blood sample for me to deal with today.  Still took me 3 hours to get things done...

Institute was fine.  I was out of it today, so I tuned out many things.  Apologies to those who felt like I was having problems, etc.  That's just what happens when I'm mentally fatigued and just tuning out people around me.

Cam and I discussed about some exercise routines and I'm waiting for Jim to start some killer ab work out soon.  I personally don't like my body image and I hope I can tune it to a better shape.  I might start running tomorrow.

Classes are still tough and many things needed to be done since there are tests next week...again.

Had some awesome cookies tonight over at apartment 22.  Sarah shared this awesome recipe for cookies that renewed my faith in dessert!  I spent the rest of my night over and had some decent conversations with Kennedy, Ash, and Sarah.

Hmm...wonder what I'm forgetting?

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