Monday, October 31, 2011

2 Weeks Later

Sometimes, I just want to sleep...
It's been 2 weeks and I apologize for not making an entry the week before.  Life simply got in the way and I did not feel motivated to make a post about the happenings of that week.

I've registered for Winter Semester classes!  I missed the 2 classes I wanted the most, but it's okay, I simply substituted them with 2 other classes I'll have to take for medical school.  When I look back, I think my life had taken an 180-degree turn.  I never thought I would be studying sciences again.

To break it down, I will be taking MMBio361, PWS340, Chem351, StDev272, PHYS105 and 107.  So, I'll have a grand total of 6 classes and 14 credit hours.  Not too bad.  That will keep me busy for the most part.

I am sad that I'll have to drop my Communications Minor because there's no way I could jam it all in without delaying graduation and med school application.  If I just wanted my bachelor's, I would have been able to do all my minors.  For the record, the only minor I'll have is a minor in Molecular Biology.

I've been feeling deflated lately because of the things that have been happening in my life, but thankfully, the Lord has provided ways for me to overcome them and everything turned out better than expected.  I have my worries, but I know things will work out as long as I do my part.  I need to focus more!

Sometimes, I like to think that's me.
I am distracted easily and seem to be more and more worried about my future lately.  I have no idea how I can fit everything I wanted to do into my life.  I worry about grades and sometimes the interpersonal relationships I strive to maintain.  I'll admit, I've been quite sloppy about being a friend lately, but everyone gets that way once in a while.

I had an interview with the bishop today (mind you, I'm not in any sort of trouble).  I just wanted a pick-me-up.  One thing I know I'll have to work on is building that personal relationship with the Savior.  More meaningful scripture studies instead of the "fill in the quota" readings each night.  Even more important is my temple attendance.  I have no attended the temple since June I believe.  Now, that is not healthy.

Bishop Hart also gave me a blessing, which was much needed.  I know I have home teachers, roommates, and even best friends that could offer that service, but sometimes, I want a father figure to perform that ordinance because I feel slightly lost in the struggle to build a reputable career.  My parents are great people, but they could not offer that kind of help because my dad does not have that power.

In other news, I tried to visit people more often, especially those I home teach.  I need to be friends to those I visit and not simply do it because of duty, obligation, or mere preference on my part.  My dad always said, "God is very fair because He gives each person 24 hours a day."  Life is a journey and I hope to fulfill my potential and do the things I was meant to do in this life before I've procrastinated my days.

So what now?  Well, like the flowchart in regards to happiness suggests, if you are not happy, change something and see what happens.  Good thing I know what are some of the things I may have to change.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

A Path Beyond

This is the game A Path Beyond
I figured out another step to my career plan this week.  That was the highlight of my academic life.  I went to the Life Science Advisement Center and reworked my graduation plan because I've decided to study medicine.  Hopefully, the plan will be sorted out some time next week and I can go ahead into the Pre-professional Advisement to seek more details.

With premed on my agenda, I'll probably be in Provo for a bit longer.  Instead of graduating around the end of 2013 or beginning of 2014, I may have to stay around until 2015.  I must say, the prerequisites for medical school are a lot more complicated than I thought they were.  A person would need to do more than just getting good MCAT scores and high GPA.

Looking through some med schools, I noticed that the average MCAT scores were around 30-31 and 3.5ish GPA.  It certainly gave me a lot of hope because I thought my GPA was not a grand 4.0.  If I do managed to get into medical school, I might stay on the West Coast because they are top ranked and relatively cheaper compared to some of the East Coast counterparts.

Even if I don't wind up going to med school, I would have finished the prerequisites for PA schools.  I may not be rich being a PA, but I'm sure I'll make a decent living.  In the worst case scenario, I would get a masters degree in medical technologies and would still make a good chunk of change.
They are best friends!

I am really excited about my future even though I worry about how everything is going to work out. The one thing I was reminded of today was that we need to continue to build that relationship with our Heavenly Father and do the right things in life. It won't make life easy, but I'd be where I needed to be and probably happier in the long run.

I asked my roommate Ryan to give me a blessing this weekend when all the stress of life seems to have gotten the best of me.  Balancing school, work, etc. is not an easy task.

All I know is that I need to try harder.  Right now, I have a few A-'s for this semester, but they are on the edge of A's, so I should try harder and see if I get a better GPA than I usually get at the end of semesters.

As for this weekend, I went to a stake fireside with friends and ended up playing games with the said people at #24.  The people in the ward are amazing and there would not be enough room to describe them without making this post long and cumbersome.  My friends, you know who you are even if I didn't mention you here in this blog.  Maybe when Spring and Summer come around, I can update this more frequently and include you in this chronicle that I now write.


Sunday, October 9, 2011

Fatalistic Change of Plan

Don't I wish...
Well, due to the stress and things I have to do this semester, I have no motivation to try to update my blog twice a week now.  I figured it is easier to make an update each week (in other words, one step away from being completely quitting).

I've thought a lot about my life lately.  I think I have most of the academic details figured out.  I just need to put them into action and hopefully I can get to where I want.

I want to go to med school and be a doctor.  I like talking to people and feel better about myself when I can help.  Not to mention, doctors usually have good salaries.  Well, at least in this country, doctors get paid well.

I'm not sure what I want to specialize yet.  I want to do pediatrician, but I also somewhat intrigued by cardiology and anesthesiology.  I probably won't be done with it all until my mid-30s, but it's not like I have anything else to do with my life.

Look at this baby!  You are telling me girls are better?
When I said I probably will finish my residency, etc. around 35, single, and gonna buy myself a Ferrari, I was not kidding.  I can't see myself with a family, or do I ever wanted a family of my own.  Hell, I don't even go home during holidays like some of the other people around here.  When you have to pay for things yourself, it means more to me to get more money than seeing people I'll probably see for the rest of eternity (or perhaps won't).

Maybe my logic is flawed.  The truth remains that I was not brought up the way most people, especially the LDS faith, thought I was brought up in.  I felt somewhat offended when people say that me not going home is weird.  Then again, I should just keep my mouth shut.  The less people know, the better.

I don't care what anyone says, dating is overrated.  The only irony is that I still do it. I'm not sure how much I enjoy it.  I'll admit, I haven't had the best luck when it comes to it and I've done a lot of dumb things in that field.  In fact, the only relationship I've had turned out to be the one I regret.  Maybe I just haven't found the right person yet.  Unfortunately for me, I find money and prestige much more attractive than "relationships". At least I can please myself with those two things than trusting someone who may or may not be loyal to me for eternity.

Obviously, friends don't really last forever, so I'm constantly trying to make new friends.  I do get jealous of couples from time to time, though.  Then again, what's so great about it?  The people that's been known to betray me has always been those I thought I could trust.  So, what does that say about my close friends?  I keep them as close friends, but refusing to let them see every side of me.  I will not repeat the same mistake I made with she-who-will-remain-nameless.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Combined Weekend Extravaganza

Since this weekend was the Semi-annual General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I decided to combine my usual 2-post weekend blogging into just one big post.

To start off, my week was pretty good.  My lowest test score is currently at a B+ and it's my MMBio240 class.  I hope to keep this up till the end of semester so I can get A- and A's in all my classes.

I did some research on possible specialties I want to study when I enter med school.  I think I might go for either pediatrician or cardiologist.  Obviously, it'll be some time before I take the MCAT, but the prospect of what I will take on once I get my bachelor's is quite exciting.

One day, I'll go for an endowment session there.
So, the best lessons I've learned this weekend were mostly from President Thomas S. Monson and Dieter F Uchtdorf.  The one thing that resonated with me was when a Seventy quoted President Monson when he told him to "look up."  Too often, I find myself looking down at my mistakes or failures in the past.  The phrase serves a figurative and literal counsel.

President Uchtdorf's words reminded me how God loves us no matter what.  We must choose to do the best thing that is before us.  We shouldn't feel insignificant because all of cosmos came to be because of us.  It was because God loves us and wants to help us grow.  That goes for all creatures of our God and King.  From the smallest critter to people, everything is here because He cares.

As to magnifying our calling and help those around us, I have no idea how much we could possibly find out about the Church's welfare program.  I know there are handbooks, etc. that explain in greater detail, but I think most of us are somewhat kept in the dark.  I do know that it's the model we should take to help the needy.  I know that the program is very much like the teach a person to fish approach to self-reliance.

OCD is not only found in people...
The upcoming week will be frustrating because I have another 2 tests...and some more the week after.  It seems like I can't catch a break from these tests.  I've found myself doing less of my independent contracting job.  I'm still working 22 hours a week.  The funny thing is, even if I get a $0.75 raise at the end of the semester, I would make less than what I do this semester due to the extra 2.5 hours (or 10 hours per month) each week I'm doing right now.

Speaking of work, I appreciate the food and drink my supervisors bring to us.  George, Steve, Simon, and Cade are great folks.  It's too bad Steve is transferring department.

I've met a good number of people in my ward.  So far, all of the people I've met are great people. My ward is a very good congregation so far.  Sometimes, I feel like I want to get to know them all, but don't have enough time.

Despite of all the silly things, I think I got it good.  I have good health and have been giving myself enough sleep to last through the days.  I started to eat healthier, which helps a lot!  My bank account is still in the 4-digit range.  Really, I don't have much to complain.  My life is awesome for the most part even if it lacks pizzazz.